The Covid 19 Pandemic has impacted each and everyone of us. We have all had a personal and individual experience.
As we move along a road to recovery for many of us a feeling of weariness and low level anxiety will be very common.
‘Recovery’ is a package of tools and steps we can use, individually and as groups of family, friends.
Recovery – Stepping Out
For many, our first steps as we move along a road to recovery will be to take time to reflect on our personal experiences. There will be things that we want to be thankful for… experiences that have made us sad, things we miss and long for again. Thanksgiving, being thankful for things is a popular wellbeing tool that we can use to help us with our mental health, even on the toughest days. Stepping out provides a simple ‘Thankfulness’ exercise we can all use to get us started. Click here to access your recovery Stepping Out pack to get you started.
Recovery – All Together
As our next steps along a road to recovery we may well find it helpful to begin to do things with others, to regain a sense of belonging. These may well be very simple things that we find enjoyable. A walk in the park together, meeting up for coffee or a drink in the local cafe or pub. All Together is a simple planning tool to help small groups of friends arrange ‘things to do together’. It encourages a sense of belonging and for a THINK IT … DO IT… TELL IT… approach to taking ideas, making them happen together and then telling all of our friends that its good to get together again.
Click here to access your All Together pack to get you started.
Recovery – Room
We are not where we were… We are probably not where we want to be… We are somewhere in between.
The Recovery Room is a quiet space where you can remember, reflect and recuperate; to help move towards where you want to be. The Recovery Room helps you take that journey using three distinct stations in the room to help you in remembering, reflecting and recuperating.
The purpose of the Recovery Room is to help you take those steps in thinking through and reflecting on how the
pandemic has impacted them.
Recovery rooms taking place at TBC will be on
• Tuesday 29th June
• Tuesday 27th July
• Wednesday 25th August
There will be a choice of three timeslots, either 9am, 10.30am or 1pm. Booking is now open for the 27th July.
Click here to book your session.
Click here to access the recovery room brochure to find out more.