Sundays for years 6+
Transform is our Sunday morning group for anyone in school years 6-10. As a rule we spend the first 20 minutes in the service with everyone else (we generally all sit together on the left hand side – it’s not mandatory but if you’re new you’re welcome to come and join us) and then we go out and do our own thing. There’s usually a mixture of bible study, discussion and times to respond to God, often with games and video clips thrown in for good measure. There’s always loads of laughter too. You won’t ever be told to get in line and believe what we tell you, you’ll be encouraged to think, ask questions and discover Jesus for yourself. That way we believe you will come to a strong, life-long faith which is your own.
you’ll be encouraged to think, ask questions and discover Jesus for yourself
We also get together informally after the first evening Refresh service of the month (usually the first Sunday, but check the service diary page). We all come to the service together and then head back to the house of one or other of the youth leaders for snacks, chat and time to chill.
Occasionally we take over a morning service and lead a “Youth Service” for the rest of the church.