Our Services
i) Messy Church (page)
Morning worship takes place at 10.30am and includes traditional and contemporary songs, hymns and prayers, biblical preaching and groups for children and younger people. Tea and coffee are always served in the halls afterwards to give an opportunity for us to get to know each other better. Communion is celebrated once a month as an integral part of morning worship.
Evening services, which normally start at 6.30pm, are varied in style, including prayer and healing, a more focused communion service, and alternative/café style services.
Children and Youth
The youth and children work is run under the supervision of our Children’s and Youth Minister Paul Vaswani and a number of experienced volunteers. There is currently a strong youth group (ages 11 to 18) who are very keen to be involved in the life of the church and are doing so by assisting in Sunday School, Children’s Clubs, participating in services and taking special services.
Midweek activities
Housegroups meet in homes during the course of the week for prayer, study and social activities
Craft & Chatter – a creative craft group – meet on Monday mornings
Coffee and (short-mat) Bowls takes place every Wednesday at 9am
Rainbow Tots – a group for parents and toddlers – meeting on Thursday mornings at 10am
BFG – a children’s club for ages 5-11, meeting every Friday at 6.30pm
Youth Club meets at 8pm on Fridays for ages 12 -18
Frontline Debt and benefit Advice – a free debt and benefit advice service (see our page)
We hold regular Alpha courses for those wanting to find out more about the Christian faith. Please contact the church office to find out details of when the next course is starting.