Newcomers’ Café

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14th May
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Thornhill Baptist Church


Whether you are new to church altogether, or just new to this church, settling in to a new church can be a daunting prospect. So many new faces to get to know, different ways of doing things, sometimes even some new words to learn (although we try to keep that to the absolute minimum!)

If you are new or newish to TBC and would like to get to know us a bit better, if you’ve got questions about why we do things the way we do them, if you’d like to hear some more about the vision of the church and what matters to us, if you’d like some coffee and really good cake…

Newcomers’ Café is for you!!

Three or four times a year we hold a Newcomers Café on a Sunday afternoon. No need to book, just come along and join us for a coffee (or tea) and a chat.