Upcoming Events

  • Youthy - 25th Oct - 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
  • Treat Stop - 31st Oct - 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
  • Youthy - 1st Nov - 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
  • Youthy - 8th Nov - 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
  • Youthy - 15th Nov - 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
  • Youthy - 22nd Nov - 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
  • Encounter - 24th Nov - 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
  • Youthy - 29th Nov - 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
  • Youthy - 6th Dec - 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
  • Youthy - 13th Dec - 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm


  1. Terry Davies

    Thank you Astrid, Paul and the church support team for this new method of joining our Sunday church service. Whilst it feels quite strange without the rest of congregation & musicians, it offers a very good focal point for worship during this national emergency. I shall continue to use this medium during this period of social distancing. I pray for our collective good health and swift end to the pandemic. God bless.

  2. Paul Vaswani

    Good morning! Thanks for joining us.

    1. Yvonne

      What a great idea to enable us to join together like this – thank you Paul and Astrid. It has been the highlight of my day praising God and knowing my brothers and sisters at TBC were doing the same.

    2. Judy and Tim Dennis

      Dear Both of you.
      Thank you so deeply. It felt like we were with the whole church family, worshipping and being taught and strengthened to face these so difficult times. Thank you for being so relevant and so there for us all. It feels that our church family is still functioning and that we are not alone. We do believe that God is with us through the hard things we face and that, when we feel we cannot cope with what is thrown at us in life, God’s grace comes in. We will gladly join in with this day of prayer for our nation and our world. Blessings to all at TBC. We will continue to pray for you, Astrid and Paul, that God will strengthen, guard and guide you at this time as always.

  3. astrid vaswani

    some people might have trouble trying to get on … it’s taken a few goes to connect!

  4. Julie Jones

    Thank you to you both. strange to do church this way but will get use to it, sat in my bedroom with coffee different way of doing church 😊 stay safe you are in my prayers 🙏

  5. Sara

    All 6 of us watched the service together. Thank you! Just off to have coffee and biscuits!!

  6. Anne-Mare

    Thank you, really enjoyed worshipping with you all this morning x

  7. Kim Matthews

    Thankyou for being there.

  8. David and Muriel.

    Hello .
    This was Very Well Done. Thank you to the both of you and all that helped.
    Muriel and I feel as if we have just been to a normal service and are have heard God Speaking to us..
    Once again.
    A Great Big Thank You. God Bless and keep you safe.

  9. Elizabeth

    Thank you so much for this service, Paul and Astrid, and thanks too to those who made this service possible.
    It is so good to know that I’m not alone and to be spiritually refreshed and comforted. You have also inspired me with your words, Paul, not to be discouraged in this situation and to carry on trying.
    Thanks again

  10. Gwen and Philip

    Great service Paul and Astrid .
    Thank you for keeping us together through this storm . For encouraging us and grounding us .

  11. Penny Bradley

    Thank you Paul and Astrid for this mornings message. Sermon was exactly what I needed to hear. Just as it started I was feeling very low, and then Richard, my stepson arrived with Mother’s Day gifts, and lifted my spirits. We had to talk with him in the garden and me indoors as he has a cold! – not the virus but….
    I had paused the transmission and then carried on and felt much better on hearing the full sermon. God gives us little nuggets of hope and encouragement when we need them . Really helpful and inspiring Paul, specially the story of the gunmen in church, and God’s giving us the grace to endure when we actually need it. You never know when that is going to be.
    I really appreciated the responsive prayers of intercession too .
    Looking forward to next weeks already. Love Penny

  12. Carol Funnell

    Thanks to you both. I enjoyed you service not as much as normal but life’s not normal at his present time.
    God bless Carol

  13. Enid Heritage

    Thank you so much for the service this morning. It was so encouraging & what I needed when we can’t do the usual things in the week. Take care everyone -keep well & keep in touch. . Keep calm & SMILE & carry on

  14. Paul Vaswani

    Own up, who forgot to change their clocks and arrived at 11.30?

    1. Judy and Tim Dennis

      Hi Paul and Astrid. Thank you for yet another inspirational and practical service, so relevant to the lives we are living now. God bless you both. Thanks too to Ellen and family and Nathaniel. It felt that Judy and I were worshipping as part of a wider church family.

  15. Yvonne

    Morning Paul, Astrid, everyone. Must confess forgot, in fact didn’t know, to move the clock forward but fortunately woke in time. Looking forward to being blessed this morning. Yvonne

  16. David Goodall

    Good morning everyone

  17. Kim Matthews

    No words can express
    Faith in action.

  18. Frances Collins

    That service was just beautiful. The inclusion of others taking part made it more real, and having songs just was uplifting. Astrid’s message was challenging, reassuring, and just felt like she was in the room. May we all experience more of God’s presence while we spend so much time alone. God bless you both, Paul and Astrid.

  19. Penny Bradley

    Another great service thank you. I loved the music and sat in my lounge and sang along. Lovely to see Ellen and the family and Nathaniel joining on screen too. More food for thought on prayer , thank you Astrid, and I look forward to the extra sermon after Easter on what we do when we don’t seem to get an answer to our prayers.
    It’s good to visualise TBC congregation gathered together individually our lounge/kitchen sharing worshiping screens together.
    Love Penny

  20. David Goodall

    Thanks for the service, good to see other familiar faces too

  21. Barbara Hunt

    Thank you for an encouraging talk Astrid, I was a bit late joining in but only because my computer played up Love to you both Barbara

  22. Liz

    I listened while I walked on this windy but beautiful day. Everything about this service was so encouraging and helped me focus on God. Have felt swamped the past couple of days and it’s so easy to just shut down so thank you for inspiring me to reach out to God again. Thanks to all of you who were involved. Bless you lots.

  23. Liz Long

    Thank you to all of you involved in putting this service together. I listened as I walked this windy but beautiful morning. It was good to have uninterrupted time to focus on God. The talk on prayer was inspiring and so practical. I’ve felt overwhelmed the last couple of days and so it was good to be challenged again to pray. Bless you lots. Love Liz

  24. Gwen

    Great service thank you . It’s great that we can join together to worship even when we are
    Not able to physically meet together .
    God bless all of us Gwen and Philip

  25. Paul Vaswani

    Good morning!

  26. Frances Collins

    Paul suggested that I share my rhyming version of The Lord’s Prayer, which was originally given as a poem:
    Our Father, Holy is your name. Your kingdom come on earth , as in heaven it came.
    Please feed us daily with your bread. Forgive the wrongs we’ve done or said.
    When tempted, please avert our eyes. And save us from the devil’s lies.

  27. David Goodall

    Thanks for this version

  28. Paul Vaswani

    So good to see Chris and Charis leading worship!

  29. Stacey

    Lovely service fuelled with testimony and prophetic words of life. Thank you Paul, Astrid, Chris and Charis. Have a blessed week.

  30. Judy and Tim Dennis

    Thanks to Paul, Astrid, Charis and Chris for a helpful and thought provoking service. The technology feels really seamless. Judy has been reflecting during the lockdown about the wonderful opportunity we have to pray for our broken world, rather like closed orders of monks and nuns who do that.

  31. Suzy Hainsworth

    Thank you for keeping us all going, thank you lord for being there for us and every body who are struggling, the young and the old, the lonely ones, the ones who keep us going every day, for all the people out there who are helping us all, thank you lord jesus, amen.

  32. Barbara Hunt

    It’s good to sit in my living room and imagine myself in church with you all.Thank you God for giving Paulo and all who help him to set this up.Your words were inspiring . I would be interested to know more about daily verse you mentioned. May God bless you all love Barbara

    1. Paul Vaswani

      Hi Barbara, The verse of the day I was talking about was from a website called http://www.bible.com – you can create an account and ask them to email you their verse of the day each day in whichever Bible version you like. They also have an app for phones and tablets, which they call YouVersion. If you prefer the verses on your phone then the app will do that for you.

      1. Barbara

        Thanks Paul, successfully downloaded on my phone

  33. Penny Bradley

    Hi Paul and Astrid
    Another thought provoking service , thank you . I liked the idea of not regarding reading the Bible as a task to be got through, but perhaps using our daily bible reading notes as a means of listening to what God maybe trying to say to us. Sometimes one verse does stick out and needs more thought or even action.
    I look forward to sharing Communion next Sunday, a really great idea.
    Love Penny

  34. Liz Long

    Thank you each one for all the work that you’ve put in this week to bring together a brilliant service. The choice of worship songs was great and so lovely to hear Chris and Charis leading our worship. This series on prayer has been really inspiring, practical and today especially challenging. The responsive prayer was really powerful too and very moving. I just thank God that during this time we have more time to listen and ponder with less distraction. How amazing that God is already there waiting for us.

  35. David and Muriel

    Happy Easter Everyone.
    He is Risen Today.
    Praise The Lord.

  36. Paul Vaswani

    Then came the morning that sealed the promise
    Your buried body began to breathe
    And out of the silence, the Roaring Lion
    Declared the grave has no claim on me
    Jesus, Yours is the victory!

  37. Susan Hainsworth

    Happy easter to you all, hello from suzy, god bless you all, my faith is in Jesus, xxx

  38. Gina Crowcroft

    Happy Easter!

  39. Brian and Jenny

    🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻👍👍❤️❤️ God be with you, He is Risen.

  40. Cameron

    Thank you for this awesome service this morning. From Cameron.😊

  41. Barbara

    Happy Easter everyone

  42. Chris

    Thank you Paul, Astrid and Ellen for a great Easter service . So glad to be able to join you all from home and still be part of the Church community. Lovely also to see our Church children and families taking part in the service. Lots of food for thought in the sermon, thank you.

  43. Frances

    Thankyou for such a lovely service again. It really feels as though we are all together. Communion felt very real too, although I was just alone in my lounge. Happy Easter everyone.

  44. Val & Neil

    Happy Easter everyone. He is Risen indeed!

  45. Liz Long

    Wow that was brilliant! All of it. Thank you Jesus. Happy Easter to you all. xx

  46. Kim

    He is Risen.
    Happy Easter to you all.
    Thank you for such a lovely service.

  47. Emma Jane

    Much needed today x thank you happy Easter to all of you x

  48. David Goodall

    Great service – liked the zoom chat in it and zoom coffee chat session is a good idea too

  49. Lisa Badger

    Lovely service this morning. I especially liked Astrid speaking about unanswered prayer which I found very helpful and relevant.

  50. John Oconnell

    What a good service today

  51. Beryl KING

    I’m so proud of you Astrid handling such a difficult topic so well. Unanswered prayer. I really understood your message so clear and concise.

  52. Frances collins

    Thankyou to everyone involved in bringing us this service. Maybe especially to the Techno. Team, as without you this would not be possible. The sung blessing at the end this week actually inexplicably reduced me to tears.

  53. Sharon

    Hi. Stacey (Dalipe) recommended that I listen to the online services after I finish participating in my Fellowship [conference call.]
    I’ve been viewing the services from April & thoroughly enjoy them, now part of my Sunday Lockdown routine.
    Thank you to yourselves & your church group.
    (Live in Brixton, London)

  54. Lisa Badger

    Thank you Jess for singing Amazing Grace, it was beautiful.

  55. Frances Collins

    Thankyou Rob for your encouraging and challenging words. Thankyou to everyone involved in the service. That last song just made me smile so much. It is so good to see such enthusiasm, it reminds me of my own youth, and to find a renewal of my own enthusiasm.

  56. Frances Collins

    Thankyou Mavis & Stacey for your honest sharing with us. It has left me much to think on, & I hope others will also be challenged by your words. We must as a church learn how to truly love one another, & be honest about our own feelings or biases & deal with them so we will live out the mind of Christ, not just talk about it.

  57. Emily

    Bless you ,God is Always with you. That is one big heart ache one after another. As you have said ,your family,and church family, help those bad ,sad times. God be with you ,Amen.



    1. Astrid Vaswani

      Eliza we are missing you too. What not book in for our next Well being cafe on Monday 2nd November or come along to our in person service on November 1st