Tony’s story

Tony’s story

When asked why he did it he said that “God lead him to do it

I was born in Zimbabwe in Africa and grew up there. I was born into a poor and failing family who were struggling to make it by. When I was six a man I didn’t know came to my house and saw me living in the circumstances that I was in and spoke to my mother saying that it isn’t right that a boy like me should live like this. He told her that he runs a foster home where he looked after kids whose parents cannot look after them. Kids who can make a difference if given the chance. My mother agreed and this guy took me into his home. Twelve years he looked after me. He fed and clothed me. He gave me an education and a roof over my head and a warm bed to sleep in. He did it for me and many other kids and he did it without any income at all. When asked why he did it he said that “God lead him to do it”. He is 72 years old. And he fought off government officials who tried to stop him. Every single day. When I turned 17 he planned for me to take a missionary trip to South Africa and I did go for 5 months.

When I turned 18 he told me I need to make a future for myself and Zimbabwe was not the place to do it. He sponsored me a visa and airfare to get here and it was not cheap at all. But he did it. I got here and went to College and graduated with top marks and am now looking at an apprenticeship to become an IT specialist.

I made it from the pits of Africa to a place where the sky is the limit because a random old guy who owed me nothing but gave me everything because “God lead him to”.

1 Comment

  1. Kim Matthews

    No words can express
    Faith in action.

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