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Did you know it costs over £500 per day to run the church?  That’s to cover all the costs associated with running our building, activities, staffing and giving to missionary causes.  We are incredibly grateful for the dedicated giving of all those that donate to the church to help us meet our annual budget.

You can make a one-off donation or set up a regular gift to TBC by completing the simple form here:

Alternatively, if you’d like to make a donation to the church directly from your bank account, here are the bank details you need:

Thornhill Baptist Church, Sort code 30-90-86, Account no: 00221453.

You can also support the work of TBC by giving regularly. Over 90% of our donations are made by standing order directly into our bank account. If you are a UK tax payer, why not download and complete our Gift Aid Form, allowing us to claim back 25% extra on all your gifts, or contact Gina Crowcroft Church Treasurer, for more information.